Spicy Peri Peri Momos: Momos lovers check this out : बाज़ार जैसे सॉफ्ट मोमोज बनाए कढाई में

Spicy Peri Peri Momos: Momos lovers check this out : बाज़ार जैसे सॉफ्ट मोमोज बनाए कढाई में

Momos is now a very infamous street food. Momos has different names in different localities/countries. It's called Dim Sum or Dumplings in China, whereas it's called momos in India.  In this recipe, we're going to make momos but with a hint of spice. The spice that we're using is Bechef Peri Peri Sauce. To know how it turns out, refer this recipe and make it at home. 


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